© 2014 Dales Renewables Ltd
Electrical, Heating &
Plumbing Contractors
Based in the North West on the Lancashire /
Yorkshire border, DalesRenewables design,
supply and install high quality Biomass Heating
Systems (pellet, chip & log batch), Solar Photovoltaic
(electricity) and Solar Thermal (hot water). We also
stock high quality Balcas Brites wood pellets for your
biomass boiler or stove, to collect or be delivered.
Solar heating and Biomass boiler systems can
reduce your energy costs and earn you an income
through the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and the
Feed in Tariff (FiT) schemes which are index linked
for 20 Years, will in the main give you a payback on
your capital of approximately three to six years,
giving you a reduction on your fuel bills and a profit
for the remaining duration of the tariff.
These modern, efficient renewable energy systems
can help you reduce your energy bills and carbon
footprint while earning you an income. Our systems
can be designed to suit your application from small,
medium and large situations, we will work with you
so that you have a system that suits your needs.
Serving Lancashire & Yorkshire
we specialise in Solar PV, Solar Thermal
& Biomass Boiler installations
The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is the world’s
first long-term financial support programme for
renewable heat. We launched the RHI in
November 2011 with a scheme for the non-
domestic sector that provides payments to
industry, businesses and public sector
We will be expanding the existing scheme to
cover additional technologies and will also offer a
domestic scheme for individual households from
summer 2013. Domestic customers should read
our guide on the Renewable Heat Premium
Payment scheme for details of the householder
voucher scheme that is currently available.
The RHI pays participants of the scheme that
generate and use renewable energy to heat their
buildings. By increasing the generation of heat
from renewable energy sources (instead of fossil
fuels), the RHI helps the UK reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and meet targets for reducing
climate change.